Antarean space extends so far and covers such a wide band in history that it is unsurprising that there are many, warlike non-human species as well as many panhuman morphs. Mercenaries first appeared in the BtGoA V1 core rulebook in the shape of Hansa Nairoba and Bovan Tuk, able to be hired by Freeborn, but there are more, from capable individuals to isolated aliens to one or more mercenary cartels. Even amongst the IMTel nations, these warlike peoples have a use as bounty hunters, guards, trackers or mercenaries, despite not being a fully integrated part of the IMTel.

Hiring and Using Mercenaries

Units on the ‘Mercenaries for Hire’ list can be hired (used in your army) just by selecting them from the Freeborn Army List and by paying the appropriate points. Some of the units listed cannot be taken by particular factions, as listed on the individual mercenary unit entries, and some factions cannot take units of a particular species – as listed in the Playing the Game rulebook.

Unfortunately, Mercenaries are not completely reliable and the rules for Mercenary Break Tests are in the Playing the Game rulebook.

Military – on the table

Mercenaries for Hire include non-humans as well as humans. Whilst there are few at the moment, keep a watch on this page as it will evolve. Mercenaries-for-hire can be individuals or units: at present, the individuals (characters) are best substituted for particular leaders in the lists, such as Bovan Tuk for a Feral Warchief, Xan Tu for a senior Isorian Drone Commander, Batu Delhren for a Renegade NuHu or Taras Kalemon for a Freeborn admiral.

The stats for most of the individuals are in the Freeborn list or the Freeborn character supplement (see Rules Central).

Askar Protector-Warriors

The Askar are the remnants of a once great race who lived through many ages of Antares. All that is now left are the Protector-Warriors, a highly capable, geneered subset of the Askar species. Askar are traded by Freeborn Houses but also form a not-insignificant component of Vorl armies.

There is an extensive article on the Askar background.

Askar Protector Command
Askar Protector-Warriors

Hükk Bounty Hunter

The Hükk are renowned bounty hunters but will sometimes accept a commission in a battlefield role. There is an extensive write-up, a scenario, a short story and a guide to painting the Hükk.

A Hükk Bounty Hunter

Togg Kin’Ru

Togg is a Mercenary character who substitues for a Freeborn Fleet Captain or Domari officer, or as a Mercenary Commander in a mercernary list. His details are here.

Mercenary Togg

The Horde

The Horde are a group of ‘ferals’ (primitive peoples) who have become fed up with being exploited by the Freeborn and are trying to establish a cartel to better ‘leverage thier assets’: ferocious warriors. Such a cartel has a low chance of succeeding outside a few, patchy areas as the Antarean universe is just too big! Nonetheless, they operate a number of ‘merchant ’embassies’ across the Antarean surface from which a credible assault forces can be hired by independent nations. There are few ‘official’ models, but players are encouraged to use the weapon packs to create an Antares ‘feel’ for other miniatures. Their list is optional and can be found the the Horde page.