Rules Central

This is the central point for the new rules, lists and a reference to any supplements we may produce.  Background on how Antares 2 came about and its links with Warlord Games and Skytrex is outlined in this news article.

In Antares 2, we have split the main rules into four separate sections: Core Rules, Playing the Game, Arms & Equipment, and the Guide to the Universe. On top of this, are the individual army lists. All are free to download PDFs and all are in black-and-white/grayscale to help with home printing. We have also added a full colour Universe guide as it has the most images and is the least likely to be printed off!

The FAQs and updates, including those amendments (all minor) for the Nov 22 update can eb found on the FAQ/Errata page. We also have an article for v1 players that explains what’s new in Antares 2. Oh, and if you want a list builder, try Jamie Morris’ list-builder app.

The free PDF Army Lists. Each contains the unique equipment and weaponry rules, plus special options, unit definitions, selectors, summary of Army Options, a weapons quick ref and a Special Rules quick ref for the faction.

The Core Rules (able to be used on their own for other universes). Amended to update 2.11Q from 2.11R on 2022-10-22 ready for November 22 ‘tidy up’ update.

The Arms & Equipment Guide for Antares. Amended to update 2.11H from 2.11G on 2023-06-23 with slingnet clarification.

Playing the Game, including scenarios and rules during a game (allies, army selection, objectives, beast control, etc). Amended to update 2.11K from 2.11H on 2022-10-23 ready for November 22 ‘tidy up’ update.

QR Sheet image

Antares 2 Quick Reference (B&W), updated with Vorl at 2.11 C (file -c-1) on 2022-10-23 ready for November 22 ‘tidy up’ update.

Rules .zip file with Core, Arms & Equipment, Playing the Game and QR (as of 2023-06-24)

Guide to the Antares Universe: Colour (68+MB)

Guide to the Antares Universe: B&W, lo-res (5+MB)

Map of Gethdereh and the Determinate in the 7th Age

Mapping your own Antares: A link to the mapping supplemental page where all the main maps, mapping templates and map-creation rules can be downloaded.

A2 Living FAQ Errata logo

The Living FAQ and errata waiting addition to the main lists and rules

A set of Army Option cards kindly built and donated by Luis Fernandez (back side from Jamie Morris) – .zip, PDF

And to help with anyone who wishes to use version 1, we’ve collated the rules amendments, errata and FAQs here. This will not be kept up to date, however!